Loon's Echo
Home of Affordable Web Sites
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Sunday, March 09 2025 @ 11:16 AM EDT

 Web Site Pricing


Web sites are created using glFusion (CMS) software which is free piece of software.  I have used glFusion on several web sites and I am very proficient in it's use.  If you do not have a site host I recommend using Total Choice Hosting to host the site.  I have a very good working relationship with them and they are top notch when it comes to hosting a web site.  Domain registration can be done with any registrar you want but I recommend Name Secure as a registration provider.



Pricing List



1.Creation of web site using glFusion software: $300.00/$150.00 down payment $150.00 on completion of Site
2. TCH Hosting, I work with you to setup an Account: $44.00 per Year
3. Domain registration, I work with you on this: $8.00 - $14.00 per Year (Length of time will reduce the cost
4. Maintenance - Patch Level Update: $15.00 per Update
5. Maintenance - Program Upgrade: $50.00 - $75.00 per Upgrade


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