Lee's Fishing Page
MAINE - Life in the Slow Lane
Welcome to Lee's Fishing Page
Friday, February 07 2025 @ 07:13 AM EST

Welcome to Lee's Fishing Page

Welcome to the next generation of Lee's Fishing Page 

Beautiful wild Brook Trout
 Lee's Fishing Page is a regional site covering Northern New England and Eastern Canada.  Most of the current members are from Canada, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and one very active user from South Dakota.  Make yourself to home here and make use of what is available to all users.  Users can create their own Photo Albums on the site for all to see, and be able to use the Photo's in forum and articles posted on the site.  The forum on the site allows users to upload Photo's directly into a forum post or upload any other type of file to the forum post.   Posting an Article about a fishing trip you took is easy here at Lee's Fishing Page, and I encourage all to do so.  Using Photo's from your own Album you can create a very interesting story that all will find useful to read and view.  The site also features a PM Messaging system that all can use.  There is a Master Calendar that I am now using for Holidays, Special Days and Birthdays.  A personal Calendar does exist for each user so you can enter anything you want in that calendar.  There is a Event List that Fishing Shows can be entered for all to see, this is open to any user to enter what they feel is appropriate.  The Links page is extensive and has many categories for the links.  Two other pages exist that show the Site Features and a better description of each, and a Resource page that has valuable info for all to look at.  The site is open to all, register (Horizontal Menu at the Top) and do an introduction of yourself in the forums to get complete access of the forums.  As a registered user you can create/add Photo's to your Album (Option at the Top Left Column on Home Page) and submit a story for all to read.  Let me know if you plan to do a story (PM me using Message Center - user: LeeGoldsmith) and I will make you a story submitter so you can post that fishing trip you want everyone to know about. 

Note: Click on the picture above to see it full size in a lightbox.

Thanks for Coming

Please enjoy the site.

Lee Goldsmith - Site Admin


This site now requires users to be Logged In to see most of the features, so PLEASE Register and become a Member.  New members will have to Introduce themselves in the "Old/New User Introductions" forum to get full access to the forum.    After you register YOU Must check the e-mail sent to your e-mail address and click on the validation link to log in. 

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Forum Topic Last Post
General Discussion Checking in. 08/25 08:09PM
Off Topic Life's Lesson's 12/25 09:29PM
General Discussion Happy Easter 12/25 09:18PM
General Discussion Open season 12/25 09:17PM
General Discussion Merry Christmas 12/25 09:14PM
General Discussion Happy 4th from South Dakota 07/06 11:11AM
General Discussion Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 12/23 02:38PM
General Discussion Happy Thanksgiving 12/04 12:12PM
General Discussion Snowy South Dakota 10/12 12:20PM
Open Water Fishing Reports Boothbay 09/24 08:15PM

Another Season Begins

Another Season Begins
By: Bill Thompson

   If I did the math right I have written fifth-teen columns with the title “Opening Day” or something very similar. If my luck holds out I might write another fifth-teen. That would put me right around eight-five years old, but it is doable and I fish with a gentleman that has surpassed that landmark by several years. This year, like always, he showed up at the pond to celebrate another opening day. He may have slowed down a little, but his enthusiasm has is the same as if he were a ten year old going fishing with his dad for the first time. He was using a walker this year, but that didn’t stop him from wading; when I spotted him he was waist deep in the pond making a long cast to a rising trout.

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Fishing on Fathers day June 19, 2016

Fishing on Fathers Day June 19, 2016
By: Lee Goldsmith

Was able to get out on Fathers Day and Fish.  I was alone so not much to tell except I had a wonderful day on Three Rivers.  Started on the Saco below First Bridge and managed three stocked brookies.  I shot this short video so you can see how the fish were rising.


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First Day of Fishing 2015

Hatch Pond View

It was a little late in the spring for my first day of fishing, but it was a good day.  The weather was fine, warm and a lot of sun early;  First stop was the South River in Effingham around 8am.  Rigged the rod and tried a few casts in two pools with not hits.  

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Remembering Stephen Sprague

Stephen Sprague
We have lost one of our longtime members and I am very sad.  I want to pay tribute to this man, even though I never met Stephen in person I know he was a great person.  I would like to relate some of the things we both had in common and what a great member of this site he was.  I am going to post the obituary that Travis posted on the site and then relate what I thought of Stephen.  Finally I will post a few picture of Stephen and those that he had shared on the site with us.  Hope everyone will read this and comment on Stephen.








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