Fishing the Upper Ellis River

Here is a story of my fishing trip to the Upper Ellis River in Pinkham Notch NH (Sat July 14th).

Looking up into Pinkham Notch
Fishing the Upper Ellis River

By Lee Goldsmith
Lee's Fishing Page

 Saturday was a spectacular day, cool dry air and plenty of sun.  I left the house around 7:45am with the hope of getting on the river by 9:30am.  Made one stop on the way up at Bobby Sues for coffee and a goodie too suppliment my bowl of cerial I had at home.  I reached my destination around 9:10am and would easily make it on the river by 9:30am.  I parked in the parking area just north of Dana Place Inn at the beginning of Pinkham Notch.

From here I started my day.  Slipped into my shorts and put on my wadeing shoes and I was off, got down to the river and I reallized I had forgotten my sun glasses.  So back to the car to get them.  When I returned to the river I caught the first fish of the day.  It was a 4 inch native brook trout.  I played with several more fish on my way up river.  I was fishing my 7 foot 4 weight fenwick rod using an Elk Hair Caddis fly.  Thats seem to be all you really need for these mountain streams.

Rocky Branch Trail Parking Lot

I managed several more fish until I caught what would be my first Stocked fish.  The water temperature at the start was 58 degrees (very nice for this time of year).  As I proceeded up river I ran into two other fisherman.  This was the first time I have ever seen another fly fisherman on this river except for those who were fishing with me at the time.  I spoke with one of the two, his name was Larry, very nice man and he was wondering if there were any large fish in the river.  I told him that 8 to 9 inch fish will be the biggest you can expect in this section of the river.  After a short chat it was off again up river.  Many nice pools and runs lay ahead and most did not disappoint, as I caught fish after fish in most of the good water.  Mind you they are small (most being 3 to 6 inches in size) but fun.  At 12:30pm it was time to go back to the car and have something to eat and drink.  It was easy at this point to get out and back onto the highway (Route 16) and walk back to the car.  It was a short 10 min walk and I stopped on the way back for some wild bluebarries, not many but good.

First Fish of the Day

I probably caught or encountered around 35 to 40 fish on this morning fish.  Most are wild but three were stocked fish, but very pretty fish to be sure.  The state has a wonderful strain of fish they are stocking that look almost like wild fish, they are around 8 to 9 inches in length and very colorful.

Stocked Brook Trout
  I had some grapes and a goodie bar for lunch, plenty of water to keep hydraded and it was time to move futher up river.  I moved the car riding up into the notch and parking at the first pull out on the right, about 3/4 of a mile up from where I was parked in the morning.

From here I walked down river to a spot I know well and beat my way into the woods to the river.  There is some great runs and pools in this section of the river and the fishing was great.

Great Pool, I caught at least 6 fish here
  Many of the pools and runs held multiple fish with some with as many as 6.  The fish are verious sizes with the biggest most likely the first that you catch.  Seems they are the biggest because they get to the food first.  Up river I continued with the hope that I might catch a stream reared Rainbow, but today, all the fish were Brook Trout.  I managed about 6 more stocked fish in this section but mostly wild fish and the afternoon produced about 30 to 40 more fish.  I guess you would say I am trading in quality for quantity.  None the less they are fun to catch and beautiful to look at and it makes me feel real good when I release every fish I catch.




Here is a slide show of all my pictures from the day, I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed the day of fishing.

Pictures from my Saturday on the Upper Ellis River

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