Winter in Maine 2007/2008 - UPDATE Mar. 17, 2008 10:00am

This is a story of all the snow we have gotten this winter.

This has to be one of the snowyest winters ever






Winter 2007/2008 got off to a good start in December with snow covering the ground most of the month.  Take a look at the amount of snow on the Fir tree we decorate each year for the holiday season.  

Christmas in Maine 2007
  The winter season crused along in January with more snow and a far amount of melting, so our snow pack was not all that big until we got to Late January and February.  Then the snow and even some rain and Ice came calling.  With more snow and Ice we began to see our snow banks get bigger and bigger and my stepson who does plowing for the neighbor who plows driveways and camp roads had to use a bobcat loader to move the snow banks back so the driveway would stay open.
Snow piles after my stepson moved them with a bobcat loader
  Next we got a mini Ice storm in early February.  This storm was an awful reminder of the great Ice storm of 1998, just tens years ago in which we lost power for 9 days plus.  During this storm we lost power for about 40 hours and now have a backup generator that filled the bill, living was not so hard with the generator, we could shower and had heat and the frig was able to run.  Snow really started to pile up in late February with about two storms a week and this pattern is still going on as I write this.  We may get another Ice storm this coming Wed.  Over the last week we have received 20+ inches more now and we surely needed to shovel the poarch roof several times in the last weekend.  
Eight to Ten foot pile of snow removed from the poarch roof over the winter
  I must have shoveled that poarch roof 4 or 5 times this winter and there still a lot of snow on it.  Please take a look at the slide show I will post at the bottom here or go to my "Winter/Christmas 2007/2008" album and take a look at the snow.

UPDATE: March 5, 2008 8:30am

As of this morning we have had a lot of rain on March 4 and small amount of snow this morning.  I have gone to work in Portsmouth so I am not sure what is happening now at home, looks like it could be ice from the weather map I just looked at.  If the ice is not real bad then we may escape with little problems.  I will up date again when I get in touch with the wife at home.


Just got a call from home and we must have dodged a bullet.  Not much ice or snow so we should be OK until Friday night into Sat. when we are to get more weather.

UPDATE: March 6, 2008 7:15am

We dodged a bullet yesterday, got a little snow and sleet then rain, NO ICE and I am very thankful for that.  Looks like the next storm is Friday night into Sat.  They are saying mostly rain, we will endure.

UPDATE: March 9, 2008 13:15pm

We servived about 2.5 inches of rain on Sat.  Looks like this week is going to be quiet for a change and we get some slow melting.

UPDATE: March 17, 2008 10:00am

We are slowly melting and will see spring sometime in late April.

P.S.  This story may be added to as needed as the month of March plays out.




Slide Show of Winter 2007/2008

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