Two Old Buddies Fish the White Mnts.
This is a story of our fishing trip to the White Mountains fishing the Upper Ellis and Wildcat River's. ENJOY
Two Buddies Fish the White Mountains
By Lee Goldsmith
Lee's Fishing Page
We started the day getting together at my house around 7:30 am. We got underway and made a quick stop at the Eaton Country Store for a coffee and a goodie. Eating as we continued up into the north country. We then stopped at the North Country Anglers to see if anything was needed and we did not get anything except a copy of the new FlyFish America. We now had about a 15 minute ride up to the Dana Place Inn wear we would start the fishing on the Upper Ellis River . We fished from the river crossing just before going into the White Mountain National Forest. We had a hard time to start but started catching some fish a short way up the river. From then on the fishing seemed to improve. We caught many wild Brook Trout in the 5 to 7 inch size range. We fished until about 1:30pm and then had a small snack for lunch and decided to go fish the Wildcat River in Carter Notch.
Here is a slide show of the photo's taken on the Upper Ellis as well as a short video of Phil casting to a very nice pool in the Ellis River.
Phil and Lee Fishing the Upper Ellis |
Phil casting - Click Arrow to start Video
Off to the Wildcat river, we passed the Eagle Mountain House on our way up into Carter Notch and we stopped at a pool I love to fish across from a Ski House on the Carter Notch Road. Here we got lots of action. Phil eats his sandwich as I fished a run and encountered about 7 or 8 fish landing only a few. These fish are fisty and don't stay hooked for very long. Next I fished the big pool below the run and had one very good fish on but lost him before I could see the size (fish story here). Phil tried his luck in the runs but had only a few flashes of fish. Next we went up to Mellon Road and fished a small streach of river here and had a lot of luck. Many fish for both of us and we ended our trip to the Wildcat here.
Here is the slide show for the Wildcat.
Wildcat River - Jackson New Hampshire |
The last stop we made was at the Wearhouse Pool on the Lower Ellis across from StoryLand. There was one other person fishing at the time we arrived so Phil and I went to the Tail of the pool while the other person was fishing the upper end of the pool. I did manage to hook one fish in the tail end but did not land the fish. It was a brook trout. I did have one other fish show several times at my Red Quill fly but he would not take. Over all a great day on the river's we fished and good to get a fishing trip in with my old buddy from UNH.
NOTE: Click on the slide shows to go to those albums, use the return key to return to the story.