Lee's Fishing Page
MAINE - Life in the Slow Lane
Welcome to Lee's Fishing Page
Sunday, March 09 2025 @ 11:07 AM EDT

Upper and Middle Dam Reconstruction

This is from Maine Fish and Game.

"As you probably know, FPL is inching toward replacing Upper Dam and substantially renovating Middle Dam. At both projects, but particularly at Upper, there will be minor inconveniences to anglers during certain key construction stages. I’ve asked FPL to be sensitive to angler access insofar as it’s practical and safe, and to keep the Department and anglers up-to-date (daily if necessary) if they anticipate a restriction to access during a particular construction operation. They’ve been very receptive to this idea, and they’ve even begun posting updates on their website (see link below)"


Link to NextEra Energy

by LeeGoldsmith

After my service time (4 years active) I went to collage and obtained a Masters degree in Forestry from UNH but never really worked as a forester other then to process data from other foresters using a program to calculate volume of standing timber. From there I became a self taught programmer in FORTRAN and have worked as a programmer for a manufacturing company then got into tech support now working as a test engineer for a small company that does contract work for Hewlett Packard. Lee's Fishing Page has grown from a simple site hosted by my internet provider to being hosted now by TotalChoiceHosting and being built with Geeklog and its many plugins. LFP is now on glFusion and I believe will be for the rest of time. I hope everyone likes the site and will contribute to it.
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