Black Hills Fly Fishing 2008

A slde show of the Black Hills SD Wy and Mt Check out the fat ass Brookie caught in Rapid Creek just below the Pactola Dam

A slde show of the Black Hills SD Wy and Mt Check out the fat ass Brookie caught in Rapid Creek just below the Pactola Dam
Are all those fish wild or are some of them stocked?? Sure looks nice where you fish.
Lee ,most of the trout here have been stocked . There is a wild population of Brook Trout and Brown Trout coming out of Pactola Lake into Rapid Creek . There have been reports that there are now a reproducing Rainbow Trout population above Deerfield Lake on the inlet stream Castle Creek this surprised the Fish and Game officers There is a very good population of Brook Trout that reproduce in the Lake as well on the outlet of Deerfield lake . In fact someone caught a 13 pound Brook Trout Ice Fishing a couple seasons ago. The Fall brings some nice Wild Brook Trout into the outlets with some very beautiful colors.
Lee Goldsmith
Lee's Fishing Page
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