Angling Towards a Fly Fishing Retirement

By Joel Anderson
I reread an article today that has me thinking just maybe I'm doing a few things right now to be where I want to be when I retire in 12 years. The article was all about how to prepare yourself so when your week becomes six Saturdays, you can fly fish until your desire wanes or knees crap out. Some important things mentioned:
1. Keep yourself in good physical shape so you can continue to do what you want to do later in life. You can't do much about genetics, but you can push yourself away from the table sooner than later. Obviously, excessive alcohol takes a toll over the course of many years and smoking has always been out for me! And don't forget to throw in some exercise. I try to run 3-4 miles at least 4 times weekly. At 50, that can be a challenge and a big commitment, but the effort pays big time dividends in the long run.
2. Be fiscally responsible. Good example: I was recently in the market for a new car. While a shiney new car certainly held some attraction and was affordable by most people's standards, such a car would only crowd the path between where I am now and where I want to be in twelve years. I settled for a 10-year old Honda Accord that will get me where I need to go for now. The money saved will make a nice downpayment towards a piece of property for my cabin on the Western Maine/NH border. I also intend to be completely debt free, including my house (can you say "Dave Ramsey") long before that retirement date is reached.
3. Find a part time job in the fly fishing industry. Mine will be bamboo rod building and restoration.
4. Find a fishing buddy who has a similar level of interest and availibility as yourself to provide companionship and share expenses. Most importantly, he has to have a positive attitude. This is a tough one. I've either burned out most of my fishing buddies (their wives don't even like to hear my name mentioned) or determined their dispositions were just too darn "sour" to be around for more than 1 day at a time. I'm currently taking applications to fill this job description though
5. Stay connected through the Internet and fishing clubs/organizations. I intend to stay active volunteering my time teaching the arts of fly fishing, fly tying, and rod building. You meet some great people that way.
If you are both a baby boomer and a fly fishing enthusiast like myself, you probably have had similar dreams. Some commitment and planning now can help you achieve those dreams.
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