Spring fishing

On the 2nd day of fishing.
My flyrod caught for me!
1 rainbow trout
on a olive.. pheasant... tail!
Click on me to see a big picture.
On the 2nd day of fishing.
My flyrod caught for me!
1 rainbow trout
on a olive.. pheasant... tail!
Click on me to see a big picture.
Good looking Fish Ian, post that picture to your album and I will show you a better way to post them in your stories.
Pretty cool .
On the 7th day of fishing.
My fly rod caught for me.....................
My first dry fly caught fish of 2012............
a brook trout on a BWO!!
That is very cool Ian. When are we going to fish young man??
Quite soon I hope Lee. Water temps up this way just above 40. still a bit cool for good activity. Was down to see my Mom on Sun and looked in @ little O... Sad to see no water spilling over dam.... Suckers and Chub and must say never seen chub in there this early. Makes me nervous for the fishing this season. Met my nephew Matt down to the Mousam @ Rogers pond in Kenn. for he is taking a real interest in flyfishing. Had a good hatch come off @ 2:00Pm when sun was out. Saw some surface activity in 1 run so went for the dry! This was the only fish caught but had a few others moving in the run. No sea run browns though, and as soon as sun was gone hatch was done as well as feeding.
Lee Goldsmith
Lee's Fishing Page
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