Lee's Fishing Page
MAINE - Life in the Slow Lane
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Sunday, March 09 2025 @ 10:28 AM EDT

It was the Best of Times

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times....Today I had a few hours away from the utter insanity of this past week, let's just say I have had much better.  So with the wife off shopping and a few hours before the rain hits, I decided to run off to my favorite river to try my luck and decompress a bit.  I decided to fish a section I have never tried and the water was without a doubt the lowest I have ever seen it.  So I tied on my trusty multipurpose nymph and headed out to the first set of riffles and pools.  After about an hour of probing I finally caught the smallest brookie I had ever seen, had to been a native.

I worked my way downstream to fish two very promising looking pools that I had seen from above.  First pool yielded zip!  I waded down to the next and final pool of the day.  After about a dozen casts I saw a few fish breaking water, then it was like a scene out of Jaws (queue music) I saw this brown fin breaking water and heading up the seam toward my indicator!  Next thing I know, WHAM, a brookie tries to eat the damn indicator.  I then start looking around and I see lots of small to medium size bugs hatching in the pool.  I could not make out what they were but I figured the fish wanted surface food.  I tied on an Adams #12 and cast to the edge of the pool.  Well that did the trick.  I started catching the nicest brookies I have seen in a very long time at the rate of one every two-three casts. In all I landed over twenty in less than an hour.  (see attached photo)


Well I get a short hit and as I try to set the hook I whip the line back and get a knot.  I pull the line in and tuck my pole under my arm and start working on the small loop that formed.  It was then I notice a tug under my arm, I looked up in time to see my rod separate and the lower half with reel start to float downstream.  I pull in on the line but the current is strong enough to pull the line off the reel.  I see the butt end is just a few steps away so I go after it.  About three steps in I hit the edge of a very steep, very deep pool.  I immediately go under and my waders fill with water, I am now an anchor in a fast moving current.  I manage to get my feet downstream and find the other edge of the pool and pull myself free of the current.  I still have my rod tip and line in hand!  I try to retrieve my lost pole but it is wedged at the bottom of the pool.

Well after several misguided attempts I decide to tie on an indicator and cut the line at the backing.  I may have better luck someday when the weather is warmer and I have someone on hand to back me up on my swim.  So if you want to have an adventure with me to retrieve my favortie 3wt just drop me a line.  Right now I am drying out by the fire and enjoying a good beer, happy to be alive with a story to share.

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Monday, April 23 2012 @ 10:26 AM EDT


See that was easy and now you show up on the home page for awhile.


P.S. I left the Forum post as well.

Lee Goldsmith
Lee's Fishing Page
Site Admin
Edited on Monday, April 23 2012 @ 10:27 AM EDT by LeeGoldsmith


Monday, April 23 2012 @ 02:59 PM EDT

Just a little follow up; I spoke with the fine folks at TFO today, to see if I could purchase just the ing rod sections (just in case my recovery mission is unsuccessful).  Much to my surprise and delight they are going to replace my entire rod for $25 (shipping).

Now that is outstanding customer service!  If you have never tried a TFO rod do so, if nothing else the customer service and support are well worth it.   I highly reccomend the Finesse series by the way, not a lot of distance but very nice presentation for drys.

Dave V

Monday, April 23 2012 @ 03:24 PM EDT

Keith I have heard really great things about the TFO company . Can't beat that for customer service period. Wow !

Eat Sleep Fly Fish


Sunday, April 29 2012 @ 08:52 AM EDT


Did you ever end up making a recovery?  So you lost the tip end, but still have the but and reel?


You were lucky to make it out of there.  I have had some close calls myself.  Fishing by yourself can be a hazardous affair.




Thursday, May 03 2012 @ 06:41 PM EDT

Just an update here;  I was just visited by my friendly UPS driver who had a package for me from TFO.

In it was a brand new, still in the wrapper replacement for my 3wt I lost during my "swim".   Exactly 5 business days to express mail it there and get the new rod in return!!  I said it before and I am going to say it again, FANTASTIC CUSTOMER SERVICE.

I will be heading out bright and early in the morning to christen the new rod.


Thanks TFO.

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