Lee's Fishing Page
MAINE - Life in the Slow Lane
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Sunday, March 09 2025 @ 10:52 PM EDT

Hot day in April

A Hot Day In April .

   Went fishing today . Have to start off by saying I am not used to the heat. It was around 86 and my friends that felt down right hot.

When I got to the stream today I pretty much had it to myself.  Other then the wildlife it was me vs fish.  I wanted to make a few more videos for you folks on Lee's site . So I hiked down stream set up my camera then rigged up the boo. As you will be able to tell it didn't take me long to hook up. I used  a BWO to fool my first fish a nice little Rainbow  I believe to be about 4 cast . I had a nice Brown come to the fly and turn. I made two more short cast and on the second cast i put a little slack into the line and The Bow took the offering.


After a few more cast I did manage to land a little brown.



After a few more fish not caught on video I moved to another spot to give these fish a break and to cool my body down a bit. I find this area of the creek to be very beautiful . It is a very nice stretch . I tied on a emerger caught a few more small browns. I was looking for the Brook Trout to duplicate the slam. It wasnt ment to be on this fine hot day. In the last video I tied on a little nymph and made several cast. I did have a miss and a hook up to end my day. Wasn't as productive as the previous trip but a blast just the same.
This was my little report on a hot day in April . Tight lines Dave V

by Dave V

Born and raised in good old Winslow Maine, joined the Air Force moved all over met my wonderful wife in Rapid City South Dakota, and settled down here with plans to move back east in the future
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Wednesday, April 25 2012 @ 06:59 AM EDT

Now that is what I call a Fishing Report supreme.  Nice job Dave, that is going to become the standard we all need to get to.


Lee Goldsmith
Lee's Fishing Page
Site Admin


Saturday, March 23 2013 @ 12:10 AM EDT

Looks like a nice day at the Basin.  I'll have to get my Boo done so I can join you.


Instructions for good living: Eat, sleep, fish, repeat.

Dave V

Saturday, March 23 2013 @ 12:18 AM EDT

Count me in

Eat Sleep Fly Fish
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