Hot day in April

A Hot Day In April .

   Went fishing today . Have to start off by saying I am not used to the heat. It was around 86 and my friends that felt down right hot.

When I got to the stream today I pretty much had it to myself.  Other then the wildlife it was me vs fish.  I wanted to make a few more videos for you folks on Lee's site . So I hiked down stream set up my camera then rigged up the boo. As you will be able to tell it didn't take me long to hook up. I used  a BWO to fool my first fish a nice little Rainbow  I believe to be about 4 cast . I had a nice Brown come to the fly and turn. I made two more short cast and on the second cast i put a little slack into the line and The Bow took the offering.


After a few more cast I did manage to land a little brown.



After a few more fish not caught on video I moved to another spot to give these fish a break and to cool my body down a bit. I find this area of the creek to be very beautiful . It is a very nice stretch . I tied on a emerger caught a few more small browns. I was looking for the Brook Trout to duplicate the slam. It wasnt ment to be on this fine hot day. In the last video I tied on a little nymph and made several cast. I did have a miss and a hook up to end my day. Wasn't as productive as the previous trip but a blast just the same.
This was my little report on a hot day in April . Tight lines Dave V

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