Lee's Fishing Page
MAINE - Life in the Slow Lane
Welcome to Lee's Fishing Page
Sunday, March 09 2025 @ 10:22 AM EDT

Photo Contest Winners


Rapid River Brook Trout
We have two winners of the photo contest.

We have two winners in the Photo Contest.  David Veilleux with this Photo:


[media:20130310130442611 width:400 border:1 align:none src:disp link:2 alt:0 linksrc:disp Casting to Brookies]


And the second winner is Sebastian Sabadis with this Photo:


[media:2013030523273497 width:400 border:1 align:none src:disp link:2 alt:0 linksrc:disp Sunset Rainbow]


I want to congradulate both and will need to work out how to get the hats to you two.


See Yah


by LeeGoldsmith

After my service time (4 years active) I went to collage and obtained a Masters degree in Forestry from UNH but never really worked as a forester other then to process data from other foresters using a program to calculate volume of standing timber. From there I became a self taught programmer in FORTRAN and have worked as a programmer for a manufacturing company then got into tech support now working as a test engineer for a small company that does contract work for Hewlett Packard. Lee's Fishing Page has grown from a simple site hosted by my internet provider to being hosted now by TotalChoiceHosting and being built with Geeklog and its many plugins. LFP is now on glFusion and I believe will be for the rest of time. I hope everyone likes the site and will contribute to it.
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Dave V

Wednesday, May 01 2013 @ 06:16 PM EDT

AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to all that voted on Sebastian and my photo .  I know there were some really good photo's great job guy's .

Eat Sleep Fly Fish


Saturday, May 11 2013 @ 01:02 PM EDT

Thanks all of you for your votes!

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