Lee's Fishing Page
MAINE - Life in the Slow Lane
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Sunday, March 09 2025 @ 11:41 AM EDT

Fishing on Fathers day June 19, 2016

Fishing on Fathers Day June 19, 2016
By: Lee Goldsmith

Was able to get out on Fathers Day and Fish.  I was alone so not much to tell except I had a wonderful day on Three Rivers.  Started on the Saco below First Bridge and managed three stocked brookies.  I shot this short video so you can see how the fish were rising.


After that I tried the Wildcat River and did manage a few fish.  All were wild except for one stocky. 

Stocked Brook Trout
 Also caught a nice wild fish about 8 inches long but no picture.  









Here is a picture of a wild fish.

First Fish on the Wildcat












Next I was off to the Rocky Branch and the fishing started with a bang.  First Pool got this nice fish. 

Beautiful Wild Brook Trout
 Then the next pool I hooked a bigger fish but lost him.  He came back a second time but I was unable to land him, he got me into a rock and was lost.  He must have been a good 9 to 10 inch fish.  After that not much for size but a few more wild fish.










Back to the Saco for the afternoon and I had a ball.  I must have caught at least 15 fish on a small Griffith Nat.  Here are a few picture in a slide show.


Brookies from the Saco River

Hope you liked my day of fishing

See Yah

by LeeGoldsmith

After my service time (4 years active) I went to collage and obtained a Masters degree in Forestry from UNH but never really worked as a forester other then to process data from other foresters using a program to calculate volume of standing timber. From there I became a self taught programmer in FORTRAN and have worked as a programmer for a manufacturing company then got into tech support now working as a test engineer for a small company that does contract work for Hewlett Packard. Lee's Fishing Page has grown from a simple site hosted by my internet provider to being hosted now by TotalChoiceHosting and being built with Geeklog and its many plugins. LFP is now on glFusion and I believe will be for the rest of time. I hope everyone likes the site and will contribute to it.
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