Lee's Fishing Page
MAINE - Life in the Slow Lane
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Sunday, March 09 2025 @ 06:32 PM EDT

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1. It's Art!
Check out the hair job on these!
by Ian Roberts on 04/13 09:36AM - Story - 2,817 Hits
2. The itch
As the snow melts and the bird's become more vocal,we or some of us feel an unrest surging in our veins! Knowing opening day is on it's way, makes me feel giddy ..
by Ian Roberts on 03/24 04:26PM - Story - 2,346 Hits
3. A fishing poem
I had written this poem last season and posted on another site, but figured wed give her a go here! Enjoy!
by Ian Roberts on 04/11 04:09PM - Story - 1,848 Hits
4. Spring fishing
On the 2nd day of fishing. My flyrod caught for me!
by Ian Roberts on 04/04 11:26AM - Story - 2,320 Hits
5. A Sad Inheritance
Had a request to place this on this board. I guess it all started back when my Grandfather had asked my dad to turn up the garden area with the pitch fork while he was at work. Wouldn’t you know it! When my Grandfather arrived home he found the pitch ...
by Ian Roberts on 04/04 08:38AM - Story - 3,383 Hits
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